Coding guidelines


Make sure that your text editor is properly configured to use spaces instead of tabs. All C/C++ code should be written and formatted according to the Google style guide (with an exception to column limit and breaking braces. See .clang-format for more details). All Python code should adhere to the PEP-8 style guide.

Coding style


  • Linting

    cpplint is used to lint C++ code according to the Google style guide. cpplint can be installed using pip (in a python 3.7 environment)

    pip install cpplint

    Run cpplint on a file/directory as follows

    cpplint <filename/directory>
  • Code formatting

    Clang format is used to format C/C++ code. Install clang format as follows.

    sudo apt-get install clang-format

    All configurations are present in .clang-format file and its is mandatory to use this file to format the code in this repository. Please note that it is necessary to run clang-format from the repository’s root folder so that it uses the repository’s .clang-format file. To run clang-format on a single C++ file, use

    clang-format -i <C++ filename>

    To run clang-format on files inside a directory recursively, use

    find . -regex '.*\.\(cpp\|hpp\|cu\|c\|h\)' -exec clang-format -i {} \;
  • Static code analysis

    Cppcheck is used for static code analysis in order to detect bugs and undefined behaviors due to bad coding constructs. Install cppcheck using

    sudo apt-get install cppcheck

    To run cppcheck on a file or directory, run

    cppcheck <filename/directory>


  • Linting

    Python code should follow the PEP-8 style guide. Installing linters in your python environment ensures compliance with the PEP-8 style guide. The precommit hooks for this repository uses pylint in a python 3.7 environment and can lint python 2 code. Pylint can be easily installed using pip.

    pip install pylint

    In order to analyze file/s for linting errors, manually run pylint using the following command.

    pylint <python filename or directory name>
  • Sorting imports

    isort organizes and sorts imports in python files. Install isort using pip.

    pip install isort

    To run isort on a python file use

    isort <python filename>
  • Code formatter

    Black is used to format python code. Please ensure that your code is formatted using black before committing your changes. Black can be installed using pip (again in a python 3.7 environment).

    pip install black

    To format existing python code using black, run the following

    black <python filename/directory>


Pre-commit hooks has been added to this repository. Please note that you will not be able to locally commit your changes to git until all the checks in the .pre-commit-config.yaml pass. Some serious violations of the standard coding guidelines will result in errors while running git commit and have to be manually fixed. Users will not be able to commit their code, until these errors are fixed. Please ensure that git commit or pre-commit hooks (and not the code itself) is run in a python 3.7 environment as configured in .pre-commit-config.yaml.


Alternatively, one could also verify if the pre-commit hooks pass before actually committing the code to git. To do so please run the following command after making necessary changes to your code.

pre-commit run --all-files

This is however currently discouraged because there are several linting errors in the whole repository yet to be fixed and one doesn’t want to end up fixing thousands of errors when just trying to add their contribution.

Editors for software development

  • Visual Studio Code

  • Vim

  • Pycharm

Install the necessary python, C++ and ROS plugins after installing a desired editor. Other editors which support ROS are listed here.

Configuring editors

It is important to configure your editor settings so that linters, code formatters and code checkers check for errors (and solve them if possible) automatically upon saving your changes in a file. Below is an illustration of the settings configurations that need to modified in Visual Studio Code to avoid manually performing the checks described in Coding style. Similar configurations can be done in other editors too.

The settings can be configured through the Settings option in File menu or in settings.json.

  • Python linting

    By default pylint is enabled in Visual Studio Code, however pylint has to be installed using pip in your chosen python interpreter path. Please do not enable other linters as this could create a conflict while running pre-commit hooks. Please checkout the VS Code website for more information.

  • Python code formatting

    Since pre-commit hooks uses black to format python code, this can be very conveniently added to your editor so that the file is auto-formatted by black upon saving. Add the following to your settings.json to enable black code formatting.

    "python.formatting.blackArgs": [
    "python.formatting.provider": "black",
    "[python]": {
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.organizeImports": true
  • C++ linting

    Install the cpplint extension to VS Code to enable the cpplinter. This then highlights the linting errors in the C++ code with squiggly lines.

  • C++ code formatting

    Clang-format is used to format C++ code. This can be configured in settings.json after installing the official Microsoft C/C++ extension. Add the following lines to your settings.json file so that the configurations from .clang-format in the repository are used by VS Code to format the C++ files.

    "C_Cpp.clang_format_style": "file",
    "C_Cpp.formatting": "clangFormat"