World Generation

Procedurally generates at work arena for gazebo simulation.


  • .xacro file containing world model for gazebo simulator

  • map.pgm and map.yaml files for occupancy grid for ros navigation

  • navigation_goals.yaml file for industrial robotics Move base safe action

Change the parameters for generation in common/config/config.yaml file. (see Configuration)


Generate all necessary files using

roscd mir_world_generation/common/mir_world_generation

Visualise all the generated files using example .launch file

roslaunch mir_world_generation sim.launch


# how many workstation of each type is required
    ws: 8
    sh: 2
    pp: 1

# Path where all the generated files should be stored
generation_dir: '/tmp'

# number of row and columns of cells in grid
num_of_rows: 3
num_of_cols: 4

# threshold for generating a wall between 2 cell [0.0 - 1.0]
# Increase this value to generate more complex environment (more walls and/or more ws)
wall_generation_threshold: 0.3

# threshold for generating noise in occupancy grid [0.0 - 1.0]
noise_threshold: 0.15

# number of retries before giving up
max_retries_allowed: 5

# distance from base link of robot to center of workstation (used for nav goal)
base_link_to_ws_center: 0.65


../_images/map_plus_gazebo_3x4.png ../_images/map_plus_gazebo_4x4.png