Planning Visualisation

Visualise the planning related knowledge in RViz.

Knowledge base and plan visualised

  1. move_base actions according to current plan

  2. Unfinished goals (object that needs to be placed) [Green]

  3. Objects that need to be picked according to current plan [Blue]

  4. Normal objects that need not be interacted with

  5. Objects stored on robot’s platform

Knowledge base visualised without plan with fake objects



Configuration file for generating a marker from a 3D model is defined as follows

    file_name: 'm20.stl'
    scale: 0.001
        r: 0.1
        g: 0.1
        b: 0.1
        x: 0.0
        y: 0.0
        z: 0.0
        roll: 0.0
        pitch: -90.0
        yaw: 180.0

The marker should be created at the bottom center of the given position. (See mir_planning_visualisation.utils.Utils.get_marker_from_obj_name_and_pos() for more info)


roslaunch mir_planning_core task_planning_components.launch
roslaunch mir_task_planning upload_problem.launch
rosrun mir_planner_executor planner_executor_mockup
roslaunch mir_planning_visualisation test_planning_visualiser.launch
roslaunch mir_planning_core task_planning_sm.launch