Task planning

mir_task_planning generates task plan using classical planner.

This module provides

  • ros independent wrapping for planners (currently mercury and lama) in /common/planner_wrapper/.

    Based on the planner requested, this module executes a shell command as mentioned in config file (see Configuration). This generates a bunch of files in /tmp/plan/ directory. The wrapper parses the most optimal plan file and returns as a list of string. Remaining files are deleted for a fresh start for next request.

  • ros wrapper on top of the previously mentioned module is available in /ros folder. The ros wrapper is implemented as an ActionServer.

    Upon request from an ActionClient containing domain_file, problem_file, planner and mode, the server tries to plan with those provided configuration and returns a CompletePlan.

    • domain_file - file path of domain file (it should be a .pddl file)

    • problem_file - file path of problem file (it should be a .pddl file)

    • planner - name of planner to use (lama or mercury)

    • mode - PlanGoal.NORMAL or PlanGoal.FAST (fast mode implies that first plan found will be returned. No further optimisation will be performed by the planner.


      This should only be use when a small number of goals are provided as it will produce a very bad and non optimal plan.



  • Without ROS

    python planner_wrapper.py
  • With ROS

    roslaunch mir_task_planning task_planner.launch
    roslaunch mir_task_planning task_planner_client_test.launch


# shell commands to execute planners
    # all CAPS words will be replaced in the code
        rospkg_name: 'mercury_planner'
        executable_path: 'build/Mercury-fixed/seq-sat-mercury/plan'
        command: 'EXECUTABLE --search-time-limit TIMELIMIT --alias seq-sat-lama-2011 --plan-file FILENAME DOMAIN PROBLEM'
        rospkg_name: 'lama_planner'
        executable_path: 'fast-downward/fast-downward.py'

Additional files

  • ros/launch/upload_problem.launch and ros/test/upload_problem can be used for testing whole planning pipeline without Refbox. This launch file will act as refbox, refbox client and refbox parser. It reads a .pddl problem file and uploads instances and facts to knowledge base. To test the whole planning pipeline without refbox, following things need to be executed

    roslaunch mir_planning_core task_planning_components.launch
    rosrun mir_task_executor task_executor_mockup
    roslaunch mir_task_planning upload_problem.launch
    roslaunch mir_planning_core task_planning_sm.launch
  • common/pddl contains robocup’s domain file and a bunch of problem files for testing.


    This folder is needed by default if common/planner_wrapper/planner_wrapper.py is running standalone.